According to most medical guidelines, women over 50 are almost always at risk for some type of chronic health problem like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, impaired vision, or arthritis. Even for women who have kept impeccable health through balanced nutrition and regular exercise, need an annual health checkup. Women around the age of 65, even those with […]
Meditation – Eliminate Stress, Frustration and Anger (Part Two)
Meditation is training your mind to be focused upon the present moment. By staying within the present moment, you allow your body and mind to become more open to reality as it is. You will become able to see things as they really are without coloring the present reality with your desires and attachments; or […]
6 Great Ways to Ease Your Stress
Age-related illnesses can be a worrisome inevitability for most in their later years. But with all the threats of cancer, stroke, memory and mobility-impairing diseases out there, it’s important to keep in mind that the #1 killer of both men and women is heart disease. And the leading factor in many cases of heart disease […]